Last Chaos Gold Update

We are excited to announce the latest patch that introduces new improvements.

Affinity Booster Seeds: They now only work when you actually kill mobs. The seeds should no longer give you an x4 bonus for anything but killing monsters. This was always the intended use-case and now they work similarly to the other boosters.

Merchant: You can now become a Merchant once you are level 50 and above! This means you can become a Merchant now with any account that fulfills the other requirements. We felt like this feature should not be locked behind a level range that you could miss by accident. It’s a vital feature that you can now use on all your characters that have yet to become a Merchant!

The NPC might tell you that you have to be between the level range of 50-55 but don’t trust him! He still needs to update his documents.

Summoning Books: There were issues with the quest-specific summons not working. This should now have been resolved. If you experience any other issues, please let us know!

Attendance System: This system has not working properly for some time now. You should now be able to get your rewards again if you couldn’t before. We have also replaced old obsolete items from the list of rewards and replaced them with some other items. The new rewards will be posted inside of the forums, so check it out!

Gold Reset

We were determined since day 1 to do something about the current economy of the game, especially on Osiris. One of our first goals was to get an overview of the current gold situation on all three servers. After some discussions, we’ve decided to apply the reset only on Osiris and not the other two servers as they seem to have a healthy economy that has not been disrupted in terms of their total lifetime.

We also made sure over the last couple of weeks that there were no further exploits that would work against us when we finally released this patch.

So here are the details for the reset on Osiris:

  • Your gold will be calculated account-wide. What this means is that the gold of all your characters on your account will be added up to receive a total sum. We have also taken the stash and the Mysterious Statue into account. Guild storage won’t be taken into account but it’s gold will also be reset. Guild storage in general will be touched on in one of our next patches
  • Here are the actual numbers of gold that you will receive after this patch:
    • – If you had more than, or equal to, 500kkk (500b) of gold, then your gold after this reset will total 5kkk (5b)
    • – Between 300-500 will be 3kkk
    • – Between 100-300 will be 2kkk
    • – Between 1-100 will be 1kkk.
    • – Anything below will stay the same.
  • You will receive the gold inside of the Mysterious Statue on the first character of your account! If you experience any issues with this please check any other characters on your account

That’s it for this week’s patchlog! Please leave us your feedback in our Discord Forum

Experience these remarkable changes and engaging quests as you journey through the evolving landscape. Stay tuned for more updates and immerse yourself in this evolving world!

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