Recreation GM patch

Breaking News for Shaiya‘s community! Exciting Patch Introduces Recreation System and Fixes!

Attention all Shaiya players! We are thrilled to announce the arrival of a brand-new patch that brings exciting updates and fixes to enhance your gaming experience.

Recreation System

We have introduced a new Recreation system in the game, this is a mix of the services used in EU, US, and ES servers. To access these services, head to the south of Boltagate, where you’ll find the new Recreation NPCs waiting for you. Here’s what you’ll find:

  1. NPC Exchangers: These NPCs allow you to exchange tokens for stat or vital placeholders associated with each service. Make sure to choose wisely there is no going back.
  2. NPC Assistants: The NPC Assistants will apply the selected service to your character. It’s crucial to carefully read and follow the instructions and rules provided for each service to maximize its benefits.
  3. NPC Reset: This NPC allows you to reset all the recreations associated with your item. However, exercise caution while using this option to avoid any unintended consequences.

How the Recreations services work

1Recreation RunesAllows to get an attribute up to 44, together with some other smaller stat points in the rest of the attributes. Its current functionality won’t change.
2Premium Recreation RunesAllows to get an attribute up to 88, together with some other smaller to medium stat points in the rest of the attributes. Its current functionality won’t change.
3Recreation GMAllows upgrading to 40/44/50 stat points for any attribute, in any piece of gear such as accessories (40), armor (44), or weapons (50), can’t be applied in costumes.
4Recreation DoublerAllows to double the stat points for any attribute (no HP/MP/SP), in any piece of gear such as weapons, armor, or accessories (can’t be applied in costumes).

Can only be applied to a single attribute achieved using steps 1 to 3.
5Recreation BoostAllows to add +10 stat points to any attribute (no HP/MP/SP) achieved from steps 1 to 4, with a maximum of 99 stat points. Can only be used once per piece.
6Recreation MaxAllows to add +25 stat points to any attribute (no HP/MP/SP) achieved from steps 1 to 5, with a maximum of 99 stat points. Can only be used once per piece.
0Recreation HP/MP/SPAllows to add HP/MP/SP to any piece of gear such as weapons, armor, or accessories (can’t be applied in costumes). Can’t be applied to items recreated via steps 5 to 6.
Recreation ResetAllows to remove all the recreations in a given piece, allowing the player to recreate it again with a different combination.
Recreation ExchangeAllows changing the Orange Stats points from one attribute to another in any piece of gear such as weapons, armor, or accessories. Can be applied in costumes.

The new Recreation services will only work on +61 gear for now, we need to oversee how this develops on this level and PvP to in the future expand to other levels.

EU services block

For EU players who applied the old OJ services, such as Alpha, Beta, DMS, and Max stats before the US and EU merge, when you use the Reset Service on each item, you will receive the following items in your bank:

  1. If you had Alpha applied, you will receive 1 GM Recreation and 1 GM Recreation Max.
  2. If you had Beta applied, you will receive 1 GM Recreation and 1 GM Recreation Boost.
  3. If you had Max Stat applied, you will receive 1 GM Recreation and 1 GM Vital Recreation.
  4. If you had DMS applied, you will receive 1 GM Recreation.

Recreation and Bosses

In addition to the new Recreation services, we’ve added thrilling drops from powerful bosses in the game. Defeating bosses such as:

  • Seraphim
  • Exiel
  • Ales
  • Secreta
  • Dentatus
  • Lumen
  • Cryptic The Last
  • Karamel
  • Cryptic Valthig
  • Pandora

will grant you the chance to directly acquire the new Orange Stats items. These bosses will also drop a special GM Recreation bag containing various rewards, including Recreation GM, Recreation Doubler GM, Recreation HP/MP/SP, and Premium Rec Rune Bags of different quantities. Don’t miss out on these valuable rewards!

Wipe of Recreation Placeholders in the final merge
ES/PT: We are providing a lot of these items to help these servers to catch up with EU/US servers. You need to use all the placeholders, new and old ones, before the final merge. In the final merge, all the old and new placeholders will be deleted.
EU/US: In the final merge all the old placeholders will be deleted.


We have addressed several issues and made the following fixes in this patch:

  1. Costumes and OJ exchanger: The critical commander and Peachy spring costumes now allow the use of OJ exchangers, and the US server now can use OJ exchangers in all costumes.
  2. Old OJ Services Fix: We have resolved any issues related to the old OJ services, ensuring they work as intended.


As previously announced, the merge for the EU / US servers and INT / ES servers has been completed. As a result, all characters have been renamed with the corresponding server tags before their names.

Please note that until the final migration, you won’t be able to remove the tag, even with a Name Changer Stone. However, once the final merge takes place, we will provide a free Name Changer Stone in the store, linked to your character. You can use as many of these stones as you want. After a designated period, we will remove all the free stones from the server.


  • GRB for US/EU server will take place Saturday at 20 Hours UTC and GRB for ES/INT server will take place Sunday at 18 Hours UTC. After the final merge, there will be a new GRB time for all.
  • For EU/US when you claim your loyalty rewards you need to select US server, and for ES/INT you need to choose ES.

Known issues

  • Infinite dungeon, we applied some fixes but things are still unstable, we will keep working on it.
  • Character resurrection in-game service is having some issues, we are aware of them and working on fixing them.

We hope you enjoy these updates and continue to have a fantastic time in the world of Teos!

Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates. Happy gaming!

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