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Unification and Echoes of the Void Update Patch

Step into a revitalized gaming experience with our latest patch

We have listened closely to your input, we’re addressing key concerns:

  • We’ve been attentive to your feedback regarding the removal of obsolete placeholders and quest items. In response, we’ve decided to postpone this task for the time being. When the removal does take place, we’ll ensure to provide you with more comprehensive and detailed information.
  • Regarding the Gamigo services placeholders. We want to clarify that addressing these placeholders through automation is a substantial undertaking that won’t be feasible in the near future. As of now, these placeholders will remain inactive, and manual interventions won’t be pursued.
  • The opportunity to recover accounts without a code has been extended until September 1st. During this time, the submission form will remain open. After the form is closed, we’ll continue to diligently process all the requests that have been collected. Your patience is valued as we work through these submissions.
  • We have taken note of the concerns regarding the imbalance of stats in PvP 15 and 30. In the next patch, we are implementing changes in GM Recreation Max and Boost, granting 10 stats each from level 1 to 30.

Enhancements and Unification

  • Polly, Candy, and Keizah now offer even more enticing challenges and rewards. Improved stats and drops are yours for the taking upon defeating them. Among the familiar treasures like Mounts, Lapis, Dual Vouchers, Debuff 6, and 7, you’ll also find new additions such as GM Recreation Bags, Imperial, Legendary, or Goddess armor, and weapons.
  • The power to remove server tags is now yours with the Name Changer Stone. Acquire these stones from the Boltagate NPC Aesiss, and easily eliminate server tags from your character’s name.
  • Oblivion Insula will open one hour every day at 2 UTC, 7 UTC, and 20 UTC.
  • Guild Ranking Battle is now held on Sundays at 20 UTC. Your feedback regarding the timing will be taken into consideration for potential future adjustments.
  • Daily Login rewards have been added, offering a progressive system that rewards your playtime. The more you engage with the game, the more enticing the rewards become. Additionally, the new Tokens’ Crates seamlessly integrate into this reward structure.

Echoes of the Void: Unraveling the Energy’s Source

As the Void’s unrelenting tide ushers chaos, a new chapter in the game’s narrative unfolds:

  • The Void Expert delves into the mysteries of energy and changes in Cantabilian and Deep Desert, seeking to unravel their secrets.
  • Collaborate with the Void Expert to uncover the mysteries surrounding new bosses, Voidshade in Cantabilian, and Ebonrift in Deep Desert.
  • Cantabilian’s Tyros robots left.
  • Void energy disrupted the connection to Pantanasa and Theodores in the Canyon of Greed. A skilled Portal Master is forging new paths in Kanos.
  • A new Portal Master in D-Water is dedicated to restoring the connection with Stable Erde.

Experience these remarkable changes and engaging quests as you journey through the evolving landscape. Stay tuned for more updates and immerse yourself in this evolving world!

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